Romania, Bucharest

 TorinoFilmLab (TFL) ended its 2010 Meeting Event announcing the Development and Production Awards. After one year of training and one year of development in Torino Film Lab, Bogdan Mustata's WOLF ruled the Production Awards, obtaining the highest sum: 140,000 Euro.

WOLF is director Bogdan Mustata's feature film debut project, produced by Strada Film, having Marcian Lazar as producer.

Mustata is the winner of the Golden Bear for Best Short Film at the 2008 Berlinalem, for his short film "A Good Day for a Swim", produced by Axel Film, a sister-company of Strada Film.

WOLF already obtained first place at the Romanian CNC Contest in 2010, in the Debut section, and is due to start shooting in the summer of 2011.

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