Romania, Bucharest


Bogdan Dumitrache

Date and place of birth Bucharest, 02 mai 1977

Strada Film Filmography

2011 LOVERBOY, fiction, 90min, 35mm
screenplay Catalin Mitulescu, Bianca Oana, Bogdan Mustata; directed by Catalin Mitulescu

2008 “THE BOXING LESSON”, fiction, 11 min, 35 mm, color, screenplay Catalin Mitulescu and Alexandru Mavrodineanu, directed by Alexandru Mavrodineanu

2004 „TRAFFIC"- 15 min, 35 mm, color, co written with Andreea Valean, directed by Catalin Mitulescu.

2006 „THE WAY I SPENT THE END OF THE WORLD", 104 min, 35 mm, color, Romanian – French coproduction Strada Film-Les Films Pelleas, co written with Andreea Valean, directed by Catalin Mitulescu

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